Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving in Paris

Happy Thanksgiving!
It didn't feel like much of a holiday for me, seeing as I was in class all day, as usual for Thursdays here, but I did have a lovely dinner this evening to celebrate.  The director of the program I'm here with and her companion Jacques hosted us at their lovely apartment right near le jardin du Luxembourg, and we were allowed to invite a friend along, so, after braving a crowded bus alone with two pies--I managed quite well, and even had a very nice conversation with the French lady sitting next to me, who said the apple pie looked magnifique (the pumpkin was in a bag for easier handling)--I met up with Victoria at the garden, and we walked to the apartment together from there.  Once everyone was assembled, we ate!  Of course--that's what you do on Thanksgiving, after all.  There were no potatoes (this is what happens when you let a Frenchwoman cook Thanksgiving dinner) but there was a turkey that, according to the meat-eaters, was delicious, and I myself can attest that the green beans, cranberry sauce, and... well, I'm not sure what to call it, but it was similar in consistency to mashed potatoes, but made from squash and carrots--anyway, all the food was delicious!  And we had some French bread and cheese with it, because it's just inevitable during a French meal.  And there was red wine, sparkling apple cider, and seltzer water to drink, so I had a little of each!  And then, to finish the event, the pies!  Which came out pretty well, if I do say so myself--and the rest of the crowd agreed.  So all in all, it was a success, although it's not the same as being at home, with family.  Still, it was a lovely evening all the same!  But we were so busy eating and conversing that I didn't take many photos.  But here are the three I took from today.
Okay, this is obviously not at Thanksgiving dinner--but I lucked out!  The festivities started a little early for me, with this bit of flan (homemade) that one of my French friends brought to share before our lecture together.  Also, don't worry, I'm not on drugs or totally exhausted--I was just about to blink when the photo took!

The food!  And Jacques, a former college of my director here, and the Canadian friend of my friend from Bard, who's just on the right edge of the photo. 

My plate!  Yum!


  1. Hey Stephanie,
    I'm in the shop with your dad and he showed me your blog. We just watched the annual Santa parade. Hope your having a great time. Happy Thanksgiving!

    -Lauren Darrah

  2. Thanks! Happy almost Christmas!
    PS There are a lot of bikes here!
