Monday, November 28, 2011

Some food I've eaten lately (EYE CANDY)

This groups together dinner on Friday night, which I had with a guy I know from Bard who was just here for a couple of days, and a pastry yesterday afternoon that Victoria gave me.

salmon burger (for Ben), warm goat cheese salad (for me)

an elegance (we weren't sure what it is--I discovered it's something like mousse) and a tarte au citron (lemon tart)
first layer: vanilla, very light and foamy

second layer: milk chocolate, a little more heavy

third layer: a very thick, rich, dark chocolate mousse


  1. HI Looks yummy my Friend MS. Paris Bye hugs from Ms. Shorty

  2. Hi Steph. Great food. Have you ever seen in Paris-cheese burgers,(french) fried potatoes, corn on the cob, english muffins, pizza or apple cider? Just curious dad. Love You.

  3. Shorty--it was delicious!
    Dad--yes, all of them actually! Well, maybe not apple cider, but I did see sparkling apple cider once, so I'm assuming they have the regular kind as well. Corn isn't really eaten much here--I see sketchy little packages of way-too-yellow corn in the discount supermarket where I shop, and there are a lot of men on the street who grill ears of corn on these little grills suspended over shopping cars. I've never tried any, mostly because you know I'm not actually a big corn fan when it comes down to it. Obviously I haven't eaten any cheeseburgers, but I've definitely seen them advertised, and there are McDonald's all over the place, so I've seen people in the windows eating burgers and fries (I refuse to spend my money on McDo's in Paris.) There's plenty of pizza, too, and I have had that a couple times. Once, I saw a place that offered nutella pizza! I didn't try it, but I might yet... I've seen English muffins in the supermarket here, too, but I haven't bought any.
