Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Musée du Quai Branly ("world" art)

After my foray into the 11th and 12th arrondissements this morning, I decided to visit the only major art museum in Paris that I still hadn't seen, le Musée du Quai Branly.  It's over on the other side of town (and across the river), right near la Tour Eiffel!  It's a fairly new museum, and it's dedicated to non-European art ranging from a long time ago to the present day, and the art it includes is mostly what I'd think of as artifacts--which is to say statues, jewelry, clothes, headdresses, tools, combs, etc.  The building may have been just as interesting as the collection itself, which I didn't think was curated very well, for a whole host of reasons.  Even so, I'm glad I visited the Branly, and it was interesting to check out some non-European art!

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