Monday, January 16, 2012

Home again, home again!

Hi everyone!
I'm writing this from the comfort of my bedroom at home to let you all know that I've arrived home.  I spent my last day in Paris packing, attending a final chi-gong class, and having a lovely dinner with Victoria before going to bed early to get my flight on time the next morning.  (She and her mother very kindly drove me and my heavy luggage to the airport at an ungodly hour of the morning!)
Anyway, although I'll miss the friends I made in France, and certain aspects of French life and cuisine, on the whole, I'm glad to be back at home in the States.  It was a great four months abroad, but I'm ready to get back to real life.
Thank you all for reading my blog; I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed creating it!
Au revoir!

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie,

    May I please have permission to do an oil painting of your beautiful photograph of the skylight from the double helix stairs at the chateau outside of Paris?

    Thank you in advance!

    Tom Gimm
    Aurora, IL
