Since I've hardly spent any time in the 11th and 12th arrondissements, despite their proximity to where I live, I thought I should finally head in that direction and check them out. And I discovered that really the reason I've never bothered to go before is that there isn't much to do there. It's a fairly residential area of Paris. But I did wander through an open-air marché, called Marché Aligre. My Fodor's guide made it out to be some sort of particularly noteworthy street market, but it seemed pretty much like the others I've seen here. Still, I always enjoy wandering through the street markets here; it's always interesting to see all the exotic produce and the assorted old bric-a-brac that people are trying to sell.
Close to Marché Aligre is the Promenade Plantée, which is a sort of raised garden located on what used to be the tracks of a raised railway line. I didn't walk the whole length of it, but I did enjoy the part I saw; like most of Paris, there's much more greenery than I'm used to at this time of year!
The promenade plantée from ground level. |
Next, I wandered toward Place de la Bastille, and then into the 11th arrondissement via Boulevard Richard Lenoir, which has a large median with greenery as well. There wasn't much to look at there...
Apparently this is the Winter Circus... I thought the building was visually interesting. |
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