Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Foire d'automne (autumn fair)

This weekend, there was an event called Le salon du chocolat here in Paris, which was basically a giant chocolate exposition... which I didn't go to.  I tried, but the line was enormous even if you'd already bought a ticket (which I hadn't), and there was also this fall festival (literally autumn fair, but I like fall festival better) at the same place (the enormous expo center at la Porte de Versailles--not the same place as the castle) so I decided to check that out instead, because there was no line!  For those of you familiar with the Topsfield Fair, it was a bit like a giant version of Coolidge Hall; basically, it was a big home show.  So there were all sorts of interesting vendors--paintings, oriental rugs, pots and pans, appliances, furniture, and of course hot tubs, as well as scarves, clothes, jewelry, all sorts of food, wine, soaps, cleaning products, as-seen-on-TV stuff....  So I wandered around there for a while, which was quite interesting, and I bought myself a silk scarf! 
The entryway to the fair: this is pretty much the extent of the foliage I'll see in Paris! 

The outside of the building where the fair was held--the expo center was too big to get in a shot.

A really goofy picture that I took of myself that also shows my new silk scarf!

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