Sunday, October 30, 2011

Centre Georges Pompidou & environs

So today I thought I would be a bit studious, so after doing my laundry, I took the good old 38 bus over to the Centre Pompidou, in the 4th arrondissement, which is this giant, fairly new building, which is mostly a museum but also houses a big library open to the public.  Unfortunately, apparently there's just always a line to get in (I'm not sure why), so I did have to wait for about 30 minutes, but I expected that and I had a book and my lunch with me, so that wasn't too bad.  I actually didn't have much luck with my research (oh well) but the library itself was pretty interesting--photos were interdit, of course.
The "inside out" architecture was pretty controversial, at first...'s not exactly traditional, but it's fun to see such a colorful building!  

After I gave up on my research, I thought I might try to see some of the museum part of the building, but since it's Sunday, of course the line was enormous, and I left the building on the opposite side from where I entered it, and I was pleasantly surprised to find a quaint (touristy) area that I didn't know was there!  It's more or less where the 4th, 3rd, and 1st arrondissements meet. 
One of the cute little side streets, with foliage! 
Foliage in the park at La tour St-Jacques.

Full view of La tour St-Jacques, which commemorates a former site of pilgrims following the path of Saint James of Compostela.  I pass this on the 38 bus, and it's good to finally find out what it is!

This is obviously here for other Harry Potter fans.

Yes, these two streets intersect.

La fontaine des Innocents, according to my map.  (There was no on-site explanation, but it sure was pretty!)

An out-of-order automaton on display in Le quartier de l'horloge (the Clock Quarter), which I also pass on the 38 bus.  I'm still not sure why it's called the Clock Quarter, as I didn't see any big clocks or anything really, besides this installation, called Le defenseur du temps (the Defender of Time).

Place Igor Stravinsky is right outside the Centre Pompidou, and L'église St-Merri is in the background.  Apparently the statues (which have moving parts!) in the water represent various works by the Russian composer whose name graces this square.

Since it was touristy, a lot of shops were open, which is pretty unusual for Paris on Sunday, so I spent the rest of the afternoon wandering around there, before heading home, via the Arts & Métiers metro, which I had heard has an interesting decor--and it does!
Some people describe the decor as steam-punk although it felt more art deco to me.

A satellite in the metro?!

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