Saturday, September 24, 2011

My French Home--chez moi

I have arrived safely in Paris, and I think I'm finally getting adjusted to the time difference!  Going to bed at a normal hour and waking up before noon are still a bit difficult, but it's getting easier all the time.  I'm living in the 10th arrondissment with a lady and her grown son (he's 25).  I haven't seen much of the son, Samuel, but he seems nice, as does the lady of the house, Natalie.  She and I have chatted a bit (in French, of course), and I watched part of a movie with her, but I don't know her very well yet.  I'm sure I'll get to know her better after I've been living here a bit longer (after all, it's only been four days so far).  The apartment where we live is quite convenient to three Metro stations; Jacques Bonsergent is the closest, although Chateau d'Eau and République aren't far from here, either. Natalie says it's a safe neighborhood, and it seems nice to me.  I've walked around it a bit and found some not-too-expensive grocery stores, as well as the local post office, and of course the local Metro stations!  I think this will be a very nice place to live!
my building, from the outside
the view from the front window
the courtyard, as seen from my room
Place Republique, not far from me

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