Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Musée Jean-Jacques Henner

So this Wednesday, I decided to visit another art museum in a former maison particulière, or private mansion.  This one is located in the 17th arrondissement, which I haven't really visited before, so that was interesting.  This mansion is home to le musée national Jean-Jacques Henner, who I'd never heard of before, but who was apparently a very well-known and important French artist around the end of the 1800s.  He was mostly a portraitist, and his subjects seem to consist mostly of either nude females or portraits of his nieces, nephews, and siblings (fully clothed).  You can check out the museum's website, in English, here.  It was small, for a museum, but it was a nice building and I enjoyed seeing a whole series of works by an artist that I really knew nothing about before.
I found the outside of the museum rather unassuming for a former private mansion...

one of the rooms in the museum, with portraits by Henner on the walls

another of the rooms

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